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AS/NZS 4801 / ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System

AS/NZS 4801 is the Australian and New Zealand Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard. ISO 45001 is the International Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard administered by the International Organisation

for Standardisation (ISO), based in Switzerland. 

Both have similar key criteria though with slightly differing requirements. In both cases the goal is for an injury and illness free work environment.

Health and Safety Management System Standards provide a framework for businesses to identify and manage their workplace hazards, ensure compliance with legislative requirements and improve their OH&S performance on a continuing basis, promoting a safe and healthy working environment.

Independent certification to either AS/NZS 4801 or ISO 45001 can open markets that may otherwise be closed, or at the least difficult to penetrate. Business sectors that already require AS/NZS 4801 or ISO 45001 as a prerequisite to the tendering process, include government, mining, infrastructure developers, contractors, demolition, hazardous material handlers, utility suppliers and defence with an ever-growing list.

Some of the exciting outcomes that AS/NZS 4801 / ISO 45001 can deliver to your business are listed below.

  • Allows your business to easily partner with customers already using AS/NZS 4801 / ISO 45001 - you become a preferred supplier;

  • Ensures your business complies with OH&S legislation;

  • Creates the best possible working conditions;

  • Improves occupational health and safety performance;

  • Fewer accidents, resulting in reduction of costs;

  • Improved standing and professionalism within your industry opens your business to new markets.

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